Latest news for CWIEME Berlin 
Electrical industry showing signs of recovery, says leading economist(10/04/2015)
Global economist Nenad Pacek will deliver a keynote speech at this year’s CWIEME Berlin exhibition, drawing on a wealth of experience to advise visitors in the coil winding, electric motor and transformer manufacturing industries how best to harness the potential of emerging and recovering markets. Renowned global and emerging market economist Nenad Pacek will address visitors to the 2015 CWIEME Berlin exhibition in a keynote speech entitled ‘... [more]
Alternative traction drives for electric vehicles unveiled at CWIEME Berlin(09/04/2015)
Dr.-Ing. Martin Doppelbauer, Professor for Hybrid Electric Vehicles at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), will use his seminar at CWIEME Berlin to reveal three alternative electric motor designs together with their test results. Amid constant market demand for cleaner and more efficient vehicles, weight reduction remains a key driver of innovation in the automotive industry. Even in the manufacture of hybrid and electric vehicles – w... [more]
Momentum builds for 19th annual CWIEME Berlin(24/03/2015)
Advance registration surges for the world’s largest and most comprehensive exhibition in the coil winding, electric motor and transformer manufacturing industries. This year’s CWIEME Berlin will take place across six halls at the Messe Berlin, Germany on the 5-7th May. After 19 years of continuous growth, the show is anticipating record attendance from engineers, designers, buyers and academics in the global automotive, energy, consumer elect... [more]
Other electrical systems and equipment news
Electrical products and systems:
Cables and cabling -
Circuit protection and electrical distribution -
Lighting and lamps -
Power generation -
Machine and motor control -
Wiring devices -
Electrical installation -
Electrical industry -
Company news -
Product news
Market sectors:
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration -
Home and residential -
Offices and commercial -
Industrial -
Power and utilities -
Security, fire and safety